Sunday, January 01, 2006

Waraku @ Marina

This was my Xmas dinner. SUPER good! but super ex oso haha. the entire set comes with Seafood/Beef, Sashimi, rice, Tempura, white wine and desert!! You actually have to wait for the food to cook on the dried leave.. When they present it it's only half cooked.. but remember to flip ok. i forgot then one side got slightly burnt. hehe.. Then again, this was their Xmas special. so when u go there maybe no more sets? but they do have it on the ala carte menu.

The Tempura there is not really amazing lar. Tastes normal to me lor. haha. Maybe cos i dun like fired batter much. haha. the Sashimi was fresh though :) and the desert was nice! some kinda ice cream but somehow i cannot tell wad flovour it is. Looks like vanilla rite? but definitely NOT vanilla...

Do remember to try the butter scallops($6.80)! Very yummy. And that mess of red and yellow stuff? it's actually some mayo and cheese scallop. it's not bad. lotsa cheese in it. but i think it's not very worth it. ($8.80) The butter scallops are much more worth it. and has more scallops... haha. Do go and try when u feel rich okie? haha. my final bill was $97++!! But normally it's not that ex, so do go try during some specail occasion. Juz rem no Xmas k?? haha.

P/S: they really do have a very jap ambiance. and there's another outlet at East Coast Park =) (near the tennis courts)


At 3:12 PM, Blogger gen said...

wow the scallops sounds good! cant wait to try!


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